Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Wishlist Wednesday! | University Essentials...

As you might have seen in one of my week in photo's, I have applied for university for next year! So scary! I'm not going to say anything more until it's all set in stone next year but I'm so excited! As I know I'm not the only one I decided to make this little wishlist of things which I want to help prepare me for it...

01: Marc by Marc Jacobs Adults Suck Laptop Case/£40.81 - I don't know whether I would take my laptop to university or not, I suppose it depends if I need to but either way I personally think this Marc Jacobs laptop case is just lovely. It's different to the usual plain case and it will give my laptop good protection. I'm a bit worried that it'll get dirty but they also do a bright pink and a bright purple which might not show dirt as much. 
02: Cath Kidston A5 Notebook/John Lewis/£8 - Well this is going to be an essential, obviously, we'll need to take notes and I love the pattern on this. There is also nice flower detail on the inside pages aswell so it'll cheer you up as your writing.
03: Marc Jacobs Large Baker Watch/Watchshop/£148 - I heard there's no clocks in seminars or lectures and you're not supposed to have your phone so I'm going to have to invest in a nice watch. There's so many nice ones at the moment I can't decide but I like this one due to the colours and to me it looks quite classy. However I think I'd rather buy a watch from a shop so I can try it on and see what it looks like on first.
04: Flower Bouquet PIYO diary/£17.50 - I only discovered this website a few months ago but they see notebooks, journals, diary's and that sort of thing and they are all so pretty! This ones filled with cats! and they're decorated so pretty on the inside. You can get all sorts of different designs and decide what you want to use it for but this ones a diary which lasts for 2 whole years! so even though it may be expensive it'll be worth it and it will be perfect for getting organised.
05: Mulberry A5 Notebook/Mulberry/£30 - I know I've already spoke about a notebook but I'm guessing I'm gonna need a few. This one featured on my luxury wishlist here, but if your a fan of the designer then it'll make you feel so special every time you write in it. 
06: Cat Highlighters/Paperchase/£3 - I'm sure there'll be things to highlight?! and these kitty highlighter are the cutest things ever! I need them!
07: Cath Kidston Patchwork Pencil Case/John Lewis Online Exclusive/£8 - I haven't had a pencil case in years and maybe I don't really need one but this one is super pretty and I love the print!
08: Longchamp Le Pliage Large Shopper/Selfridges/£68 - Well of course I'm going to need a large bag to carry all this stuff and I love this one so much its so casual yet so lovely and I've already bought it...wooopsie! I have wanted for ages and it also featured on my luxury wishlist here, and I'm pretty sure its going to last me a long time aswell.

I always enjoy wishlists and reading them so I might try and keep this 'Wishlist Wednesday' going! I think I've got everything I can think of for university in this wishlist apart from a pen of course, but I only really like the old school black ball point pen. However I did look on Selfridges and found a pen for £875!! WHY?! 

Is there anything I've missed which you think is essential?

Sunday, 23 November 2014

My week in photos! | 17/11/14 - 23/11/14

Happy Sunday everybody!
And we all know what Sunday's mean... My week in photos!
I actually really like doing these they make me see everything that I've done in the week even if I've not been up to much but they'll be nice to look at in the future!

01: Awww this Gingerbread reindeer was so cute I just had to get a picci!
02: After a long and cold day of wearing jeans I was so happy to get into my favourite VS Pink joggers and thick Disney Tigger socks to chill out in! The big blob inbetween my legs is actually my cat trying to fit in the selfie... 
03: I just had to put in this picture of.. I don't actually know - oooops! - is it a naked mole rat? but everytime I look at it it just makes me laugh haha!
04: Me and Amber was in a Christmassy mood on Thursday so I gave her these options of film choice to choose from and we went with Love Actually. Classic!
05: Leopard print onesie selfie! Why not?!
06: oooooo I just had to try out the new Starbucks festive Hot Chocolate with Honey & Almond which does taste very festive and was nice but the almond was a bit overpowering. maybe I'll tell them not to put much in next time! Who doesn't love the red Christmas Starbucks cups though...
07: Me and Ben went to see the new Hunger Games film and it was SO good! Nachos with 2 cheesy dips, tomato sauce and mustard on is just the best. Even though as always we ate them all before the movie actually started...
08: Look how pretty the sky was tonight! You know what they say 'red sky at night, shepherds delight'!

Hope you all had a good week!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Christmas home accessories!

Because it's nearly Christmas and you can't hide away from it anymore because we all know it's only 6 weeks away. Eeeeek! I'm guessing you'll know how much I love Christmas if your a regular reader so I thought I'd start off some Christmassy posts. And this ones on home accessories! I don't live on my own so don't have all the pressure of buying Christmassy items for the home but iv seen so many cute Christmassy home stuff this year that I might buy a few of these... So if you live on your own or not you might like these accessories in the home or even to decorate your bedroom nice and festive! 

01. Matalan/Red Heart Bedding/£20-£35 - I saw this bedding when I went with my mum and it just looks so cute and festive. It's also quite subtle with the Christmas theme so if you wanted you could use this bedding all the way throughout the year! It's fairly thick so will definitely keep you warm during these colder months and it just feels so soft!

02. Matalan/Tree Decorations/£2-£6 - Matalan have done really good this year and they have such a good range of Christmas tree decorations. They're all so cute I definitely recommend you go and check them out! And I'm sure they're 3 for 2 or something! These are all my favourite and they will stand out on any Christmas tree. 

03. Matalan/ Christmas Pudding Teapot £12/Santa Mug £4/Christmas Gravy Boat £6 - I put all these items together because they're all for the kitchen and I would probably be writing the same for them! I think each of them are all so cute and will make Christmas day and Christmas parties at home more cute and festive. The gravy boat will be great for Christmas Day and come on if you don't use a Christmas pudding teapot at Christmas then when else is the perfect time? Also the Santa Mug looks like it will hold a good sized hot chocolate!

04. Matalan/Cookie Cutters/£4 - These aren't exactly home accessories but you can make cute little Christmas cookies for everyone with them! 

05. Yankee Candle/Large Jar/£19.99 - When it's colder outside it's time to bring out the candles and you'll have heard me rave about Christmas cookie a lot but the other two Yankee candles that I really love at this time of year are Christmas Eve which smells a little spicy but not too much and Snow in Love which smells like a fresh snowy day.

06. Debenhams/Christmas Fabric Tree/£28 - This fabric patchwork little Christmas Ball Tree is such a cute alternative to an actual Christmas Tree and its so unique so everyone will notice it!

07. Next/Felt Christmas Bunting/£10 - I really do love this Christmas Bunting its felt rather than the usual cardboard buntings so I feel like it will make the home a bit cosier and cuter. It will also last for years and years. 

08. Matalan/Christmas Nutcracker Countdown/£20 - This Christmas nutcracker countdown is one of my favourites it will go anywhere in the house. He's also so cute! It also comes in a silver colour but I thought this green and red one looked a bit more festive. 

What do you think to these Christmassy home accessories? I think Matalan have done such a good job this year and their products are always affordable. 

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Origins Mask Marvels...

I know its Sunday night and your probably expecting a 'week in photos' but if I'm honest I really didn't do much exciting things except from being very productive with assignments and applying for University, hence the lack of blog posts this week but I'm on top of things now so you can look forward to my 'week in photos' next Sunday! 

On Wednesday I thought I'd make a little trip to boots with intentions of buying 1 thing and coming straight back out seeing as though I already had a little splurge in Superdrug last week... However who can go into Boots and buy just one thing?! I tried, I tried so hard but Boots is like heaven for me and I just got excited about all the Christmas gift sets which have come out and couldn't resist buying a couple of things on offer. 

One of the items which I bought was a Christmas present for someone so I can't talk about it but the other product was this Origins Mask Marvels set which I think is a Christmas gift set but I went and bought it for myself. You know just to make me feel better. It should have been £50 but on Wednesday I got it for £23! BARGIN! I think the offer ran out on Thursday (sorry guys) but I didn't want to write this post until I tried them all at least once! 

So its a set of 3 face masks which includes a 75ml of Out of Trouble 10 minute mask to rescue problem skin, Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask to clear pores, and Drink Up Intensive Overnight mask to quench skin’s thirst. If you've read some of my previous posts you'll be aware that I really wanted to try out the Drink Up Overnight Mask which is usually £23 for a 100ml! I thought it would be nice to try out the other masks aswell because they're all suited towards people with problematic skin which I suffer with.

This isn't a full review of the products as I've only used them once or twice and won't be very accurate so if I like a certain mask you'll be sure to hear it soon in a full product review! 
As I'm writing this post I currently have on the Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask which I used on Wednesday night and smells very fruity which I quite like. It makes my skin very soft the next day and it makes my skin lovely to apply make up onto. I used the Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask yesterday which was the first time I used it and don't know whether I like it just yet because yesterday I didn't feel like it did much. It was a nice face mask to have on but I'm not sure it cleared my pores as much as I wanted it to but we'll see on that one... I tried the Out of Trouble 10 minute mask on Wednesday and I really liked it! It was difficult to layer on but maybe its not supposed to be layered on as what I thought and it made my skin feel really nice and clean and clear afterwards!  

Have you tried any of these face masks? Which is your favourite or which is the one you really want to try out?

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Product Empty! | GORGEOUS by Gok - rich moisturising body butter

Everyone knows that when the weather gets colder we need to take better care of our skin...easier said then done! but iv been trying to moisturise more often and seem to be grabbing this product a whole lot more.
A couple of years ago for Christmas me and my sister got this big Gok Wan set full of body products. I used all mine but when Sarah was going through her room she realised she still had some left and after inspecting them we realised they were still good to use. She kindly passed them onto me and I forgot how good they were!

I think they're made for the colder weather because its quite a thick moisturiser and smells divine! I can't describe how nice the smell is but to me it smells like glitter - so its good to wear for a party, but doesn't actually have any shimmer in it so it can be worn every day. I don't know whether it's just because I received this at Christmas but to me it just smells like Christmas. You will carry on smelling it until you wash it off so it lasts a really long time!

Iv completely ran out and don't think they sell this product anymore! If you happen to come across it then definitely give it a sniff!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

My week in photos! | 03/11/14 - 09/11/14

This week iv been such a busy little bee rushing around trying to get everything done. All the little things creep up and fall on you at once! I'm quite enjoying doing these week in photos posts so as we end another week here are my photos! Warning: this post contains lots of food selfies... felfies!

01: Seeing as though Ben dropped his whole glass of fanta fruit twist in my bag, I thought id start using this little beauty again. Ben's lovely mummy Jayne kindly gave it to me a couple of years ago but iv always been too scared to use it properly until now and I LOVE it. 
02: I was just proper fancying a Terry's Chocolate Orange so ate the whole thing in one evening... I am definately a chocoholic.
03: You just can't eat beans and sausages on toast without it being covered in cheese.
04: This made me smile its like 3 fat ladies hehe
05: Me and Ben really wanted to try this and its actually really nice. Just the chocolate with cookie inside mmm. Also I ate this after the terrys chocolate orange and still ate it all wooo
06: Still debating whether to get these shoes or not. Im just worried they look the same colour as my skin and not look as good as I want.
07: Yes yes more chocolate! but a lovely customer at work bought me this huuggeee Galaxy bar and it made my day. There are some lovely people in this world!
08: a quick selfie on the way to Meadowhall with Ben.

Hope you've all had a good week! 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Premium Beauty Wishlist...

Seeing as though iv been making lots of fashion wishlists lately I thought I would make a Premium Beauty Wishlist. Lots of gift sets have come out for Christmas but that means you can try out lots of products which have been packed together and not have to spend as much wooo! 

01: Origins Best of Both Worlds Gift Set/Boots/£40 - This set comes with High-Potency Night-A-MinsTM 50ml, Drink Up Intensive Mask 50ml, Ginzing Moisturiser 30ml, and GinZing Eye Cream 5ml. I'v really wanted to try the Drink up mask and the GinZing Eye Cream but didnt want to pay so much for one product which I don't know whether ill like yet but this set means that I can try them all out and then buy the ones I like. 
o2: Emma Hardie Amazing Face Cleansing Balm/Feel Unique/£36 - Iv heard many good things about this cleansing balm and want to try it so much because its supposed to be really good for dry skin which Im sure we all get in the winter. 
03: Nars Virtual Domination Cheek Palette/ Space NK/£45 - I think Nars did a palette similar to this last year but I think you get so much for the price! You get to try out a highlighter, 3 blushes and the famous Laguna bronzer and see if you like them all for the Price of about 2 Nars products. The packaging is so pretty as well it would make such a lovely Christmas gift.
04: Nars Limited Edition Eyeshadow duo in Dolmites/Space NK/£25 - Iv never tried out Nars eyeshadow but came across this little duo and the colours are SO pretty!! They would go perfectly together for when you want to dress up a little more. 
05: Philosophy Christmas Cookie Bath Cream/ Debenhams/£14 - When I went into Debenhams the other week I thought Id give the Christmas Collection of their bath creams a sniff seeing as though the originals are so nice. They all smell lovely but this is the one that stood out to me the most. It just makes me want to eat it!
06: Too Faced The Return Of Sexy Eye Shadow Palette/Boots/£38.50 - Firstly I love the design of this palette which brought me in but then I saw the colours and was blown away. Theres a mix of greys, purples and browns which all complement each other. My favourite section is the purpley section but this would be the perfect palette for doing smokey night time looks. 

Because these products are premium I think they would make lovely Christmas presents!


Thursday, 6 November 2014

Beauty Haul!

If you saw my post yesterday then you will know I went shopping. I tried so hard not to buy anything and save money for London in a few weeks but as expected that didn't happen. so heres what I bought!

The first thing I did was go into this entertainment shop to try and find Michael Buble Christmas. They didn't have it. But came across loads of DVD's which were 3 for £5. bargin! I stopped buying DVD's years ago and wanted to spruce my collection up a bit for when there's nothing on TV so here we go. I'm aware that Bridget Jones 3 is coming out and even though iv seen bits of the first 2 movies iv never actually seen them all the way through. Same with Love Actually iv seen bits but not all the way through and thought it would be nice to watch over Christmas. Confessions of a Shopaholic and The Proposal are 2 of my fave films ever so why not. and finally Legally Blonde 2. Im disappointed because there was a massive sticker over the number 2 so thought it was the first film! This one will still serve me well but its just not as good as the first one! 

I was in desperate need of some more BB Cream so went to Superdrug to find Maybelline on offer 3 for 2! wont be running out of these for a while now...

For a few months now iv seen this product raved about on other beauty blogs and wanted to give it a go. This was on offer so there was no excuse not to try it!

Iv also been wanting a dark red lipstick for the colder months and heard this was one of Zoella's favourites so thought id try it out. Its the Kate Moss Rimmel 107

Iv been wanting to try Sleek out for a while after hearing many good things but Im more a Boots gal rather than Superdrug who stock it so as I was in I thought id give these blushes a go. The one on the left is called flushed and may too dark for my skin but if so I can always just use it as an eyeshadow. The one on the right is called Pixie Pink and is one of the nicest light pinks that iv ever seen.

Because it was 3 for 2 on all Sleek makeup also I thought Id buy a lip liner. Everyones trying to recreate the Kylie Jenner Lip but I just cant get my hands on MAC's Soar or Whirl and thought this colour (Lingerie) looked quite similar. Iv tried it and its a very nice colour although a little dark for the Kylie lip however I tried some of MAC's Myth lipstick over the top to lighten it and it makes the colour very similar to Kylie's. 

I feel like once I start buying make up I just can't stop! Anyone else have this problem?


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

05/11/14 | OOTD

every one of us girls have that one pair of jeans in the back of the wardrobe which they love but they know they can't fit into anymore but just can't part with them... As I was getting dressed this morning I fancied a pair of jeans, had a look and came across my blue super soft super skinny jeans from New Look (you know the ones) which I loved but was never a jeans person when I bought them so kept avoiding them. For months now Iv been trying to squeeze into them but they've just been so tight that I can't breathe but today I just thought Id double check and you would never believe it... they fit! I went out shopping with my mum and nan in them and they stayed comfy even after a cheeky KFC woooo. So here is my outfit of the day...
I'm sorry im gonna have to start taking my selfies with my actual camera, I dont realise how bad my iPhone one is until I upload onto here! 
Face: Maybelline BB Cream, Maybelline Fitme Concealer, MAC powder blush - Fluer Power
Brows: Illamasqua Eye Brow Cake - Thunder
Lips: YSL Rouge Volupte - 13 Peach Passion

It was quite sunny today so I thought Id make the most of it!
Jacket - New Look
Long Sleeved White Top - Primark
Blue Superskinny jeans - New Look
Shoes - TopShop
Bag - Chloe (kindly given to me by Ben's lovely mummy Jayne)

Hope you all had a good bonfire night!


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The perfect autumn coat…

If I was just browsing BooHoo coats then I may have seen this and not given it a second glance but it wasn’t until I saw Tanya Burr in one of her vlogs here looking amazing in this wool camel coat that I saw its a real beauty! We all know I have a thing for coats and while watching the video I thought ooooo her coats nice and it looked really expensive but she said it was from Boohoo so raced over there like a little girl at Christmas to find it.

 Its £50 which I thought was kind of pricey for Boohoo but its not as expensive as some coats from other retailers. I love the colour I think it will go with almost everything and its just so autumnal and lovely and looks like it would keep you warm aswell. However, the worst thing possible happened and they unfortunately don’t have my size. *wipes away tears* They have sizes 12, 14 & 16 which is great if you are that size but I really needed a 10. I’m debating whether or not to buy the 12 to see whether it still looks good but because its oversized already I don’t want to get my hopes up…

So if you are one of those sizes then you’ll look great in this beautiful coat but if not can anyone give me any suggestions of a coat very similar to this?


Sunday, 2 November 2014

My week in photos! | 27/10/14 - 02/11/14

hello lovelies! you'll be pleased to know this cold Sunday night has brought you my week in photos!

01: CHOCOLATE CHEERIOS?! they sound like they'd taste so weird and needed to try them as soon as I saw them in the cupboard. Surprisingly they're actually lovely...
02: On Tuesday me and my boyfriend Ben went to morrisons to buy this gingerbread spooky house kit! It was so hard to stick together but looks so good. Ben's blue witch on the roof was my fave!
03: awwww I went to co op and thought the named cokes don't usually have sparkles on so investigated to find they brought out Santa's Reindeer's names! SO CUTE!
04: After seeing one of my wish lists my lovely sister Sarah bought me this cute little Christmas Cookie Yankee Candle! I can't wait to try it!
05: My beauty therapist best friend Amber is training in eye lash extensions so I wanted her to do mine. I think they look amazing!!
06: A cheeky Starbucks Caramel Hot Chocolate with whipped cream went down a treat while me and Ben were watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the cinema. Also I have to say the film was top notch!
07: I'v never really been a bookworm but my mum recommended this one to me and I'm hooked! Its about a woman who wakes up in hospital from a car accident. She's suffering with amnesia and her memory is missing the last 3 years of her life!

Hope you all had a good week and a good Halloween if you did anything for it! ta ta for now!!
