Tuesday, 7 March 2017

New Beginnings...

Hello fellow bloggers!

I bet you're all wondering who is this creature?

I know I've been a bad little blogger recently but I've just been so busy with University and slightly lost my muse. Is that the word I'm looking for? *hands over face* 
However, like many other students at the moment, even though I'm up to my eyes in coursework, I have just really wanted to get back to my blog! I used to love sharing what I like and what I wish for and what not so want to keep sharing my love for fashion. 

So since the last time I blogged, a lot has changed. (one of them being I don't know how to write anything thats not in third person or casually anymore!) As I'm currently studying Fashion Buying at University, I have learnt a lot more about the fashion industry which has made me love it more. I'm wanting to make my blog more professional and organised rather than just any old blog post slipped in. I want to write a lot more on fashion rather than beauty, however I am still obsessed with make-up and skincare so there will still be some posts up! I may also put up a few health and fitness posts up as I have recently lost 2 stone and learned the importance of a healthy diet so would love to help other people!

I want to change the layout of my blog and may change to wordpress or change the name of my blog, however I'm gonna have to learn how to do that all first and if it does happen I will be sure to let you all know!

EDIT: I have HAD to delete some of my previous posts because I couldn't stop cringing at some of my awful fashion mistakes. Sorry!

Love, Nicola