Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Wishlist Wednesday! - Workout Wear

Due to it still being quite early in the new year and I'm sure one of everybody's new years resolutions was to get fitter or to eat healthier I've decided to make this wishlist Wednesday on workout wear! At the start of January I lasted a week as long as I could with the whole healthy eating lark but it's so difficult! so if your still going then well done!
Last summer I was obsessed with fitness and going to the gym but when I started college again it all got too expensive and I didn't have the time to go. I think when your exercising it's a little bit easier to eat healthier because you want to fuel yourself with energetic foods. Although if your like me then you think that exercising is an excuse to eat what you want and stay in the same shape. ooops. 
Anyway at the start of the year the online shops like Boohoo and Missguided brought out their active wear probably to help everyone keep up with their new years resolutions but I just ignored it at first because I couldn't be bothered to exercise. However now that I'm a little bit more motivated I had a look at it all and I really like it! I'm sure we all want to be as stylish as these models when we work out, I just wish we could buy the skinny bodies aswell!

01: 'Sweat' Sweatshirt, Boohoo, £14 - what better sweatshirt to be wearing when your sweaty with this 'sweat'shirt. My favourite part of exercising is running and so I need lots of hoodies for it. This is quite light aswell so it doesn't weigh too much and bringing you down when your trying to run. 
02: Grey Hoodie, Missguided, £14 - this also looks very light which is perfect for running. A hood is also good because let's face it, if you live in England like me then your always gonna have to face the rain issue. 
03: Snakeskin Crop top, Boohoo, £6 - this was reduced from £12 I think which is always a bonus. I love the blue snakeskin sides it's very different. I don't think I'll be able to brave this on its own in public because it's cropped...maybe just for home workouts! 
04: 'Run Bitch' top, Missguided, £10 - this top just makes me laugh but I think it's very motivating and might make me run a bit further than usual! 
05: Grey Sports Leggings, Boohoo, £16 - I do really like all the in your face sports leggings which they do but Im way too scared to be able to pull them off so I like these grey ones it's different to the usual black. 
06: Black Mesh Paneled Leggings, Boohoo, £12 - even though these leggings are black they've got the mesh panels which show a bit of your leg. Very daring! Hahaha I think again these are different to the usual plain black so I like them but whether they will look good on me I don't know. 
07: Nike Trainers, Sports Direct, £36.99 - even though these are on a completely different website to the other things it's always essential to have a good trainer when working out to protect your feet. That's ben talking and not me! My current trainers are bright pink, of course! But I think my next pair need to be a little toned down!
08: Grey Sleeveless Hoodie, Missguided, £20 - This sleeveless hoodie looks so comfy, but will be great for runs in the summer when its too hot to be wearing long sleeves but too cold to be wearing just a top! The things we have to put up with in Britain... 
09: Grey long sleeved workout top, Missguided, £20 - I'm pretty sure this top is the type of material that's dry fit or something? which is something we all need.

I hope this wishlist motivates me to workout more for the summer! I have linked all the links for you and I do apologise for the pink and the women's body on the Missguided photo's, I just couldn't get rid of them!

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