Sunday, 18 January 2015

My week in photos! | (11.01.15 - 18.01.15)

I'm sure I'm not the only one suffering with the January blues and over the last week or two I've lost all motivation to do absolutely anything and all I've wanted to do is get in bed with a box of chocolates and netflix! So to get me motivated to blog more often I thought I'd start off with a week in photos!

01: Yes I'm aware that Christmas is well and truly over but I still have some of Lush's lovely Christmas bath bombs left and thought I'd take a soak with this Golden Wonder and look how amazing it is! I never expected it to turn blue of all colours but it also had cute little stars inside which you might be able to see on one of the pictures!
02: Holy moly look at this Spaghetti Bolognaise that Ben made me! He always puts lots in so there's lots of different flavours and it was amazing!
03: Wahhh I had to get my car repaired which cost me an arm and a leg and had to catch a bus! I'm not a public transport snob, it doesn't really bother me but its depressing having to get it when you have a car waiting for you.
04: I've really been  obsessed with smoothies lately - my favourite is mango and passion fruits... but I thought I'd try this one for a change and if your thinking of trying it I'm warning you it's the worse smoothie I've ever tasted...
05: Hahaha she might kill me for putting this on here but I find it hilarious! My sister Sarah stealing my iPad and taking selfies with our cat - he doesn't look impressed.
06: Another kitty selfie but my cat literally has an obsession with feet and I thought he looked proper cute in this pic!
07: I have been loving Love Spell spray by Victoria's Secret this week and it used to be my worse one! They all look so pretty aswell!

I hope you all have had a good week! Lets beat these January blues together!

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