Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Wishlist Wednesday! | River Island

Whilst browsing through the on-line sales I came across the new season collection in River Island and because we're stuck in our warm cosy jumpers while its raining outside I thought that I'd have a nosey at what we could expect next season and well, I fell in love...

Even though I'm a winter gal, I fell in love with all the pretty pastel colours and this light grey/baby blue that I keep seeing is so lovely. So after stalking the collection for quite some time I realised that my recently viewed items came to this. Without realising I've put together a very pretty and classy little outfit that would look lovely this spring!

01: Rose gold watch/ £35 - I'm still not one for watches but I do think this one is elegant yet vintage so I thought it went quite nicely with the outfit.
02: White bucket bag/ £40 - I get very scared with white bags because if your not careful they can get dirty very easily. However it's rare that I find nice bags in River Island that don't have the label on (I'm not a big fan of the metal label) and it has gold hardware which I'm loving at the moment so I love it! I would just have to be careful around the fake tan...
03: Navy striped shirt/ £28 - I don't know what it is that draws me to this shirt but I like it very much. It reminds me of the sailor theme but love that it's stripes are vertical which is very flattering and just looks like it will hang really nicely on. 
04: Mid wash jeggings/ £42 - I love this colour Jean but the colour also scares me because it can look very unflattering on my legs. However I'm going to try and be brave this year and wear a jean of this shade as I do love the look of them, just not on myself...
05: White round sunglasses/ £13 - Out of all the sunglasses these are the ones that popped out to me. I thought they were a baby blue colour but their description says they are white which is a little confusing, but anyway if they are what they look like in the picture then they look so cute and would be lovely for the summer!
06: Grey peep toe platform/ £55 - If I was brave enough to wear heels in the daytime then these would go with many things in the spring and summer due to the lovely colour. If you would want to risk taking the suade down town then these would also make a good pair of night heels as the platform will make them nice and comfy! 

I hope this has beaten a bit of the January blues by getting you a bit more excited for spring! Which piece is your favourite? 


1 comment:

  1. hey I've just nominated you for the Liebster award!x
